What They Did To Me...
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!I wake up to my alarm going off...another day,another scar. I slowly get out of bed and set to my morning chores.I take a shower, get dressedthen I put on the darkest make up,to express my feelings. I skip breakfast... again,then I walk to school.a car goes by,the window goes down,a hand reaches out and flips me off,I hear the fading laughter as the car speeds away, inside I hear thunder, I see a flash of lightning,a storm is brewing,I get soaked, with sorrow and pain. as I walk into the school building they stare,they point,they laugh,I cry inside. as I walk down the hall a girl trips me,I fall, everything in my bag come out.my laptop falls out on top,the girl takes a water bottle,opens it and tips it over,I have no more laptop. I walk on,they spit in my direction,I walk into class,I go to sit down in my assigned seat,gum is stuck onto the seat,I take a napkin and try to get it all off, the bell rings,class starts,the passing of the notes begin,each one gets nastier and meaner. the school day is finally over,I head home.I get on my desktop computer to check my emails,then it finally hits me,I will never be accepted,message after message, I read each one... finally I had enough,I decided to end it all,I took the gun my dad gave me for my 13th birthday,put it up to my head and shot myself. that's what they did to me,they killed me...