What Is Sex Really About?
What Is Sex Really About?
Someone once asked me, what is sex really about?
Is it when a man climax and your name he utters out?
Is it the intimacy of the act between a woman and man?
Or is it the intimate act of passion, while a couple holds each other hand in hand.
Is sex an act of lust, when the soul is week?
Is sex a joyous moment, which fills the heart with love, as both of them reach their sexual peak?
Is sex the act of bouncing up and down, twisting and twirling it all around.
Your legs spread wide open, and your hands are bound.
Is sex just an act of emotion?
A fragrance of Jasmine, a scent of love portion.
Is sex just an intimate desire?
That fills your soul with passion, and intense your body with flames of burning fire.
Is sex fidelity, loyalty compassion and love?
One of the purest act of emotion and as innocence as a pair of white doves.
Is sex an act of greed, jealous and lust?
A temporary moment of passion, am mere taste of dust.
Is sex a fatal attraction which lures one mind with obsessive thoughts?
The temptation of a forbidden fruit that entices the heart.
Does sex really take possession of your mind, and have complete control over your heart?
Does sex really drive some peoples insane and lead them down a road of destruction,
And leave them with endless emotional scars and marks.
Is sex a selfish act that peoples uses as a pawn?
Is sex just a weapon to explore life and have a lot of fun?
Is the real purpose of sex being to birth forth babies and populate the earth?
I am looking for more answers as I continues to search.
The responsibilities of sex, love, hurt and pain,
Some of us are victims, and some of us are to blame.
Is sex an expressions of love, compassion, happiness and joy,
What is sex really about, I ponder and continues to explore.
By Cathy Prather Russell