What Love Means To Us
She paints me in kisses
Starting from the tip of my nose
Down to regions unknown
Slowly but surely
I can see why
So many days went by, stuck in thought of how I got
I am open to her
Every part of me spread wide
Anatomy laid out
She could pick me apart
But chooses to
Drown me
Smother me
Murder me
in everlasting love
She uses a dagger made of
and stabs me, beats me, till I'm black and blue
Bloody nose
Busted lip
Bruised ribs
Love to us means something else
"An unexplainable bond that few get, we are special"
She tells me with each painful blow.
She forces me to appreciate the vessel that holds my inner self.
Telling me i'm beautiful
Rubbing my pudgy curves
Kissing my fat thights and blowing raspberrys on my chubby stomach.
Love to us is something else