What it Meant, What it Means
What it meant to me before
Just words written in a stanza
With rhymes and patterns
I knew that they’re art expressed in words
But I was too lazy to read them or write them
I was more into visual art
Cuz people say a picture is worth a thousand words
I used to believe that
Until one day
It’s weird how poetry introduced itself into my life
One day, I got an assignment
From a cool teacher I had
He wanted us to make a poem
About anything
And present it in front of class
I always loved that class, for in past assignments
I could show how creative I was with drawings
Now he wanted creativity in words
No problem
I already had an idea
I made a poem with my heart and soul
I practiced hard for my performance
I shocked my parents when I was practicing
I think I took the assignment too seriously
Cuz when it was my turn to present
I was the one who was clapped at the most
Everyone was shocked at how loud my voice was
For I was always the shy quiet little girl in the corner
Everyone congratulated me
Told me I had potential
And asking if I was secretly a professional poet
That moment I felt incredible
I have showed my thought and feelings
After confining them deep within me
For I thought my voice didn’t mattered
But it does
I saw it does, thanks to poetry
So poetry
What it means to me now
A way to express myself
Without telling anyone in particular
Whenever I feel happy, sad
I write it down in a poem
Even hatred I had confined within myself
For a couple of years now
I wrote it down in a poem
Which ironically helps the rights of certain people
Poetry has become a part of my life now
People say that one picture is worth a thousand words
I don’t believe that anymore
For poetry can do something than a still picture can’t
Actually say those prohibited thousand words
That are confined within the picture
Or within ourselves