What I Know Now
Standing out was something I never wanted to do.
Being different from the rest seemed so out of line at the time
I never wanted to try new things, going beyond what was expected
and not being accepted was the worst of fears.
Over the years, I've realized confining who I am and being uneasy in every
situation doesn't help at all, it just pushes me down further 'till I fall.
That's why I learned to stand tall and strong
No matter what, I will always believe in myself.
What I do with my life is absolutely up to me.
My happiness is happening because I choose to see the light in every situation and
I know I am a wonderful creation, I don't want to go wasting my time here so I'm making
the best of everyday. I maintain my peace by not worrying
about what others think of me because I know it's out of my control.
I know it's not important to fill my mind with the idea that I should change.
It is not in my nature to make sure anyone is impressed with me.
As of right now, I vow to always express myself how and when
I want and never second guess myself.
At this moment, I know that my feelings and opinions matter
I won't have much of an impact on the world if I continue to hold them back.
I know I can excel at what I do in life, I will strive for the best and always have my eyes set
on the highest goals, because I know I can reach them.
I have the blessing of being able to show expression through my obsession,
it is the best when you invest in something you love, there's nothing left but
a feeling you can't explain.
Nothing else matters, nothing's as important than me knowing that
I do and I am.