We Smile and then We Die.
The bright lights shine and the euphony of the band begins. We all commence to showcase our counterfeit talents. And I partake.
I follow suit, displaying a smile cheaper than my time,
laughing when obliged to, and pretending that I’m on top of the world.
We dance under an angelic rainbow stretching through yellow cushy clouds
we toast to lifelong ignorance while enticing dandelions grow all around us
Shameless and unremoreseful is how we live.

Until the sun falls, the moon lights, and it’s time to depart.
I am now home. I can remove my mask, my make-up, and crawl out of my own skin.
I stare at myself in the mirror with vanished depth, so empty, so hollow My skin, dry and destroyed from living under dirt and façade
I love how this feels.
Euphoria plays Devil’s advocate with my heart, and confuses my senses.
What I can really see lives in my dreams
I close my eyes and I view the world as I really see it:
Colors from a never-ending rainbow melt into toxic malice,
Cushy clouds forming jagged darts that initiate incubus lightning.
Hopelessness and seclusion abound on to the horizon in the most vivid colors
The winds of demise deface even the strongest of dandelions
Your regrets lasso around your body until you give in
You've lived with filter for your entire life, and it's time to fall asleep forever.

The scenes play out in my head for the entire night. Over and over again. I awake when my chest suppresses a bit too much. I'm usually doused in sweat.
I get up, and it's time to entwine back with the same group of nobodies.
I make sure my face shows that I don't need assistance to gain approval,
or that I don't live with misty eyes, or that I'm already living the way I want to live
I make sure I'm beautifully masked and ready for the camera.
Poetry Terms Demonstrated: