We the People
We the people the steeple of our country, that we hold so dear,
do salute and sing to this tune even though we do not hear
the pleas of the land and its ancestors,
the corruption we bring has been allowed to fester.
Here we stand and yet still are sinking into the consequences of our thinking,
that all is us and us is all
these are are faults and where we gall about our greatest achievements others
fall short and are allowed to suffer and sill through it all we are able to muster the energy to fight for
money while the rich laugh cause its funny. Greed and bigotry, at its best is not what America is.
While most humans may not be America's greatest virure we provide healthcare for those to nurture
and in doing so increased life
expectancy , which is excellent in the eyes of
humans see, America is so much more than what we choose to lable it as, its
comprised of trees rivers and unimaginable lands.
Where we are and where we chose to be shows indeed that America is Great
Lets just hope that it remains that way.
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