Walk Alone
Somedays I walk alone
Not like I plan to or anything
Just, I want to be alone
Different minds, don't think a like
Same minds, think alike
I won't do drugs or drink
Plus, if I smoke or even get near it
I have a reaction that might cost my life
I don't want to do that
Some people will miss me
Even if I do move to a new state
I will be close, like mayb a couple of hours from MT
Ya, like I said, I walk alone
It's good to clear the mind
From all the differences in the world
I'm an outcast, all of us are
What they don't understand is that
My mind isn't quite there, I don't want any criticism
When I do get it, I'm pissed
Even if you try to apoligize, don't
You hit the core, I have been fighting at it for years
I stepped up to the plate and said it was my fault
There was no need to say someting
A lot of people know my weakness I don't need pity
I want to be equal not this person you can pick on
This is one of the reasons I walk alone
I rather be a true outcast then a group that makes fun of