Violent Touch
My gender is a writhing thing in the corner
I poke it with a stick every so often to see how it will move.
My sex is a warm pink alien I cup in my hand
There is a violence to my own touch that I cannot shake
When I touch my fingers to a boys palm I am asking him to hand me an answer
When I press my lips to a girls mouth I am trying to steal something I've never seen
When I wrap my arms around a person's waist I am begging to fold them into my ribcage
And keep them there until I can see the way forward
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I like this poem a lot.
It seems that you might have a lot in common with me.
I would like to get to know you and keep expressing.
Hope you will except the friendship.
-A.K.A Serenitymeanspeace or Serenity
Fitzy Marlote
Hunger, loneliness, and longing flow like water; each word a rock or fallen tree.
This is absolutely gorgeous. I want to live inside the lines of this poem.