Untitled 1
I can see the sun
but I feel it no longer.
I remember the burns upon my face
when I would soak it in too much
or the warmth I would feel upon my knees
in the summer months
when I wasn’t afraid
of the cold biting at my bones.
I cannot feel the sun
but I wear it on my face
share it with my vocal cords
spread it with my teeth
and light it with my eyes
while empty space occupies my mind
dark, unforgiving, a swallowing thickness
a mask of brightness
in place of a shell.
My skin is growing cold.
The sun is slowly dying
of giving itself to others
lighting up their faces
glowing across their teeth
so that they can feel the warmth across their faces
against their knees
against their backs.
it’s own warmth
is beginning to fade
from a comfortable summer
to an unforgiving
endless winter.
The snow teases me
allowing the sun to peek through sometimes
lighting up the darkness
of extended nights
and gloomy days
but then the clouds come back
and night falls again.
It is dark.
But then the sun comes back again
and I feel like perhaps
the winter is worth sticking out
but then
it disappears
and again
Sometimes I wonder
what will happen
when the sun is finally gone from my face
and it is so badly burnt
that I won’t accept pieces of it back
and what will happen
when I slowly start to freeze
become a statue
with no way to melt
but no longer care.