unfortunate feelings
unfortunate feelings
I had completely fallen for him
I loved him
Undeniably adored him
I loved him so much that i forgot to love myself
It destroyed me
Mentally and physically
I hated myself because myself was good enough
Physically and mentally
This boy was someone who showed zero interest in me
Whereas I would gladly give my life to him
I created an image in my head of who he was
Who he wasn’t
And who i wanted him to be
It had stopped
And looking back that was good
Until it started again
It was sudden
A simple
Hey you
And I was hooked once again
My mental state was altered
No longer happy
I anticipated his messages
Like they were going to be signs from god
Or a simple
I love you
They never were though
I could tell he didn’t want to say anything that i could change
That i could make into something it wasn’t
And i was afraid of that too
I become consumed in him
He was my everything
But i was his nothing
So i became my own nothing
He had halted his messages
So i saw this as a sign
A bad one
One that i wasn’t good enough
I wanted to be good enough
So i did the only thing i could think of
I changed who I was
He responded
It felt like a revelation
Even though it should have felt like nothing
It was a blessing if you could imagine
One person made me feel so amazing
But that one person also made me feel completely mundane