One runny nose and two puffy red eyes says she's being irrational,
A barrage of words only partially heartfelt,
Unstoppable and not the least bit held back
Tongue. Teeth. Lips. Air.
For these few seconds of flying spittle and sharp gestures
She almost forgets to breathe,
And in the time it takes her to blink twice
He, is walking away.
He will not be subjected to another episode of
Self-Pity and Self Esteem Issues
He has proven his love more than once and
Even if he were to speak it would not reach past her steaming ears
She is blind, deaf, hollow...and full
A fool so,
He walks away,
Taking his understanding and his patience and his
Unconditional love with him because
Love just became conditional.
Love just met the sky rocket price so
If you haven't got the means to pay then
You're shit out of luck because
There is no more room left for charity,
Not inside his heart.
He's been hurt once too once too many so
Love just became conditional and
The words that she spews at his back in wishes of damaging
Irreversibly damaging whatever tattered pieces remind of his hope for her,
Despite, the internal whispers crying for her
Begging, for her to stop
She. Makes. Him walk. Away
And whatever she had really meant to say doesn't matter anymore because
His love, and Her love, just became conditional
Reliable only at the cost of brutal honesty and
No tolerance for idle conversation
She will not entertain any fantasies and
Love will come at the cost of
Night clubs and weary glances
Tight lips and guarded stances because
Ten trembling digits and an inability to move says
She's made a mistake.
Regret the words that sparked the havoc that reaped the end.
Stutter. Blink. He is gone.
He has walked, away.