The Tower
The daunting height of human creation
Rises to the sky a callous cultivation
Of unbridled and unyielding fallacies
Built on the misconceptions and libels
Of the Infernal Tower
The underlying principal of humanity
Our misguided Belief
That the skies are ours to take
Do not reach for the Skies
The Tower will bring them
Do not weep for your freedom the Tower will keep you hidden
No, I do not belong to the Tower
If the pinnacle of Humanity resides in a black machine of Death
Let me take no part
There is no soul in that machine
They say there is no hate
Yet, if there is no hate
There is no love
Let me love and let me hate
For I am but one
And that number is greater than all the armies residing in your Tower
You say your Tower will bring the Utopia
I have seen your vision
Through the halls of our Dead Fathers
Releasing a
That will make even the deaf cover their ears
This is your Tower
No I want no part
Let me become like the Blue Feathered Children of the Sky
The incarnations of Angels upon Earth
Not forced to lie bound in your Tower
But free to roam about the skies
And surf the wind
Please allow freedom to engulf my wings
Let the symphony of independence
Rise above and proclaim that all of us can escape the Tower
You want our undying devotion
To your meaningless cause
You seek only to reform us to conform
To break our beliefs and to
Crack our Souls into fractals
That splinter and fall under the brutish world’s trampling feet
Slicing into the soles of their heels
Making them cry aloud
Persecute Them
Persecute Them
Forgive me and forgive them
I beg
It was the Tower
That Infernal Tower
That whispers in their ears
That we are responsible for their bleeding feet
That the shards of our ruined souls that cut the soles of their feet
Was not a malicious ploy
No, do not believe the Tower
Do not give in
Come escape the confinement of the Tower
Join the light
Let us rejoice
Hand in hand
That we have found each other
But then you turn and look at me and say
Can you not see it
Look up
You too live in a Tower
Your are locked behind a door
And will never escape
But every locked door has a key
And in the eternal darkness
All we need is a light
To find our key and escape
Our Tower