What is this life we live?
We can’t get back the time of day
We learn, we work, we suffer
We give our precious time away
The memories we make
The lessons that we learn
The experience we gain with every day
The time slowly burns
It wastes away to nothing
Disappears without a trace
We grow; we age, and someday, die
We cannot keep up with its pace
For us there is a certain amount
Of time that we are allowed to spend
For time itself, on the other hand
Its greatness has no end
It has seen planet earth
In its earliest days
It remembers the age of the dinosaurs
And the wars that man has waged
It has witnessed the rise and fall
Of empires, small and great
Soldiers, politicians, and dictators,
Who swiftly met their fate
It recalls a time when the waters of the earth
Ran crystal clear and pure
Long before the atmosphere was destroyed beyond a simple cure
Before the environment
Was polluted and wrecked by man
When the Native Americans lived in peace
Across this beautiful land
It has seen the beginning and the end
Of billions and billions of lives
Some good, some bad, some young, some old
All were destined to die
Long after the earth is destroyed
And we are dead and gone
Time will continue its relentless reign
Its appetite for life is strong
Swallowing everything in its path
Destroying it all as it goes
Never even skipping a beat
How long it endures no one will know
We will live our lives
We will fade away
In the end, time will win
So just live for today
Don’t think about tomorrow
Or the stress it may bring
Just live in the moment
And cherish everything
Live a carefree life
Full of great times and laughter
Do not waste your life away
Worrying about the final chapter
Enjoy this small sliver of life
Before it fades away
Live it to the fullest
Because tomorrow might be the day
That time catches up to you
And devours you in one bite
You can try as you will
With your final fighting might
To outrun the beast
And escape it once and for all
But you will fail as those before you did
In the end, time devours all.