A Thunderstorm Through a Child's Eyes
Waking up to a gray covered sky
Can set one's mood down from way up high
Making some happy, making some cry.
A slight drizzle falls lightly to the earth
While some sit around their fireplace hearth.
No one knows what this day will bring.
Will we hear the blue birds sing?
The drizzle becomes harder and harder.
The thunderstorm isn't much farther
Bringing lightning bolts that brighten the clouds
And thunder that follows ever so loud.
The children's hearts are shaken with fear
And their little eyes fill with tears.
As the rickety-tickety-tick-tick
Slowly stops beating on the houses made of brick,
The children's attention wanders to the new world outside.
Their intense fear fades from deep down inside
And aross their face appears a smile so wide.
Now, the rain was worth all the while.
There are mud puddles to jump in,
Water to splash in,
And mud pies so yummy it should be a sin.
See, if it would've never rained
All this fun would have never been!