There is Evil in the World
It’s something nobody can really expect
She could be going to the grocery
Before climbing into her car, should have checked
Who could blame her for not thinking to see
Now surrounded by darkness, wrapped in a bag
No chance of surviving, but if yes, is
It worth it? Stuck in a bag, time seems to lag
Destination, and no, not worth it—this.
One of many girls taken, who knew beauty
Would be their downfall? Sick men pulling out
Their wallets, sick smiles and pant zippers, ready.
How could this happen? It’s no use to shout.
Their torture, only lasts four years, until they
Are all “used-up”. But no worry! Their wombs
Have uses, let them have babies, “No!” they say
The girls would rather put their babies in tombs.
For when they are born, into this cruel, cruel world,
More demons with wallets, “I need a kidney,
A liver, a HEART.” Before even two years old,
The small creature’s organs, harvested you see.
It’s happening all over this damned planet
These “houses” have names, and locations, too
Names, locations, the government does neglect
“It’s so controversial,” but oh, they knew.