teddy bear's lament
i dream of happier days:
before the cell phone,
her now-constant companion.
before computers, iPods.
before she cared
about how she looks.
about fitting in,
back when a night light
kept bad dreams away.
back when i
was a comfort.
when she cried,
she'd hold me tight.
her soft hands
stroking my velvet nose.
i was her closest friend.
now i watch
her go through life...
she's outgrown me,
technology taking
my place.
friends and fashion,
boyfriends and drama.
i yearn for days of old:
tea parties,
sleepovers - she wasn't ashamed
to bring me then.
days of fairy tales,
not werewolves and vampires.
an innocent
true love's kiss,
fiery, passionate romance.
when i was her best friend,
before the shelf.
eyes filled with love.
before she abandoned me.
no, not abandoned...
before she forgot.