i tap my feet
they tell me to stop
i tap my pen
they tell me to stop
i tap i tap i tap i tap i tap
why do i tap
do i tap because i like it?
i dunno
but i can't stop
they make me stop though
it's loud
and annoying
like the rest of me
but i need to tap
tap i need to tap i tap i nedd tap
losinglosingi'm losing it
what was it i
i need to i
i was scratching
i couldn't tap so i scratched
now i'm bleeding
now everyone will see
and ask
where and why and how and nonononono
nest time i don't tap
i don't scratch
so i pace and i pace
but they tell me to sit down
so i rock back and forth and back and forth
they look at me funny but i don't care i keep rocking
next time
they let me tap
i win