To Tame Coffee
When God creates His souls
For each He crafts a perfect match
Split down the middle
Each yearns for its better half
And they beg for just one meeting
During their miserable existence
Spent in this world
As wanting lovers they
Throw themselves to one another's arms
Only to find that
The jagged pieces of their
Hearts do not align
This causes a noiseless question:
Whoever made romantic
The divine dividing
Between these hollowed souls?
For we know we
Share a platonic love more pure
Than any of those lovers whose promises
Are whispered in one moment
And shattered in the next
As cream tames coffee
And creates the aesthetic
Swirl of rich earthen delight
So our lives intertwine to
Radiate a peculiar beauty
The opposites that are me and her
Fill up the missing words, links, and
Knowledge that we ourselves
Do not own and
The furnace of her life
Thaws away at the frozen
Flesh which barricades my heart
It is her I have to thank,
With her larger than life
Hands and emotive speech,
That has kept me from
My own hell -
An internal wasteland
Of frigid thoughts and
Broken shards
Of past heartbeats which are
Thrown about like
Exploded glass on the sidewalk
Yes, the twisting of our spirits has
Caused two mortal incompletes
To become a chalky blend -
Like that of a Saharan moon turning with
The Arctic noon - spanning
Infinitely into prophesy
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