To me, because without your words, my life is nothing. Whether they be careless or meaningful, I can't bear to watch you silent. If you are to keep quiet, who am I to open my mouth? And who is anyone to think they can either? So the questions roll, brought forth by your indifference. All I ask is that youTalkTo me, because it makes me feel like I am worth something in this world. And I hate that you have to validate me by doing that, but there's no way to change my heart. If I could, I would, trust me because the pain that strikes from you puts me off balance every time. What am I to do, but stare as your perfection radiates and draws me in, only to be cast out again? If you could justTalkAnd remind me that I am not alone, that however distant you act, you're there. Remind my heart that at some point we were on good terms. Tell me what I want to hear, that you care for me, even if you don't. And speak the words that are equivalent to the feeling I used to get when near you. Your voice can do the impossible, and reassure me of the time I mattered. Why won't youTalkLike I'm still yoursTalkLike we're still friendsTalkLike I never wronged youTalkLike you never shut me outTalkLike we're together in that hallAgainAnd talkLike I'm the only one hearing you.