Taking the Easy Way Out
We look for solace in bottles and pills,
Temporary fixes for paying our bills
Because a permanent change takes too long and we're lazy.
We're greedy and spoiled,
Undignified and disloyal
Decisions based on the praise
Never want to disappoint, and too entangled to change
Always searching, an interminable quest
Disappointed with the results, there's always unrest
Innately curious, but never satisfied
If we want happiness, why must we aim so high?
We run until our legs abandon us and then take a train
We, the Master Manipulators, will always find a way
Why do we drink, because we like the way it feels?
How long can we run until our problems are no longer real?
Escape, Escape, take the weekend off
You deserve a break after how hard you've fought
To slay the dragons inside our souls
When will you ever be secure enough to hand over the remote control?
The world - it's dark, cold, and screwed up
we rationalize our illegitimacies and say we no longer give a fuck
Easier to follow impulse than resist temptation
Follow what's trending and slam all hesitation
When opportunity knocks and you set the bar high
You know you'll want more, so why even try
Things are better existing as thoughts in your mind.
If you could alter society, make them see that they're strong
Strong enough to walk away from the pack and admit that we're wrong.
If the world can change just once single entity,
Face its fears and establish its own identity
People wouldn't have such inner turmoil
Lies would disintegrate, friendships would actually remain loyal
If people had the ability to believe
That conformity is wrong, individuality succeeds,
then maybe the world would rotate a bit quicker,
For its land would be filled with a society far richer
And happier.
If its mindset could change.