Take One by Mouth
I see you through the clear, curved, orange plastic over my eyes
You taste like metal opium
The spoon still stuck between my teeth
Gnaw marks in the handle
From when I tried to swallow it whole, swallow it dry
Swallow it all at once
Take one by mouth,
The doctor said as he grinned at my tears
Shame, shame
Crying is reserved for humans
For hearts
For brains
For souls
For bodies that work
You are a disease
You thrust your roots into my brain
Wrapped and wrapped and wrapped yourself round my heart
And squeezed with a smile, like a boa constrictor trying to tell Eve
Take the bite, sweetheart
Take one by mouth
Take me by mouth
Swallow the bitter truth, choke back the vomit and tears
Wrap me in the purest virgin sheets
And call the coroner in the morning