The Swish of his Hair
I am what you call a loner,
a nerd,
a person who isn't so.. into herself.
He is.. different.
He is so much more than different, at least to me.
He's a jock, or as he says, "someone who plays sports for fun."
He's relaxed and calm, somethings that I'm not,
at least not all the time,
but I still find him so special, so talented,
The swish of his hair brought back wonderful memories,
the laughter, the love, and the thoughts of what i wished I could be.
He was my happiness.
He is my happiness,
and now he's my inspiration.
As he swished his hair to one side, the wind blew an amazing smell to my nose,
a smell so rich and of him.
and as he looked into my eyes, he said something.
"Everything is awesome when I'm with you."
I remember that phrase,
I remember it well,
its because of the little things..
the little things that makes
everything is awesome when I'm with him.