the sunflowers were right when they whispered to me
because i love you
i only smile as i watch you tilt back the milk carton
white drops running down your chin
the lips softly parted.
i only smile even though
mysophobia runs in my family
because i know
what it’s like to be touched by those lips and i know that
the things that your lips touch
are soft and sweet and they will be okay.
because i love you
i sip your fears until
i drain them dry
to stop them
from draining you.
even though
they burn and rip at my throat
until my esophagus
is nothing more than
i do it for you -
i swallow the bile and the blood
i choke it all down
not because you make me
you would never make me
but because i want to.
because i love you
i cherish
your cold feet tucked into my side
the dimple that sweetens your left cheek
tender calluses on your fingertips where they
press against the strings to make a melody
the rips in your jeans where you knelt in the soft earth
to plant sunflowers with me.
your arms around my shoulders
that never feel heavy.
the curls at the base of your neck and
the one on your forehead that never stays put.
i cherish
the way you meet my eyes
even when we disagree -
the respect that lingers there.
the way i’m sorry sounds when it’s formed
by your mouth because i know
it’s sincere.
the way you cradle my palms
kiss the bleeding half moons buried there
and tell me
i’m entirely beautiful.
maybe love isn’t
being perfect at it -
knowing and practicing the perfect formula for
desire and respect
but finding the balance of both.
maybe it’s
the process of trying
even when it breaks you
and takes every inch of me -
the knowing
that we’re both trying
and that we’ll keep trying
no matter what because
deep down
we’re both still learning.
maybe it isn’t about
forgetting the stupid things you’ve done or
the pain you’ve caused,
it’s about me
continuing to love you
in spite of the hurt
and never giving up
on moving forward.