The Story of America
Tell me the Story of America
I don't mean the story of red, white, and blue
I mean the story of those with skin of a different hue
Taught to be ashamed
Because of their shade
Tell me their story
Tell me of the whips and chains
The looks of disdain
Tell me of "freedom"
Of how those chains were broken only to latch on new ones
These harder to see
Tell me why is it so hard to see
The need for the coexistence of
Differences and equality?
Tell me of those whose land was invaded
Tell me how home suddenly became battleground
Tell me of dread that filled
Hearts of those whose only wrong
Was standing in the way of the white man’s fantasy
Tell me of the woman
Forced to make friends with silence
Convinced that she was nothing more
Than a stepping stone to another’s success
Told she could be great
Just not greater than her brothers
Her husband
Her sons
Tell me of the modern day forefathers
Those who come to this land with dreams of freedom
Only to be told that this country cannot be bothered
With foreigners
Tell me how they broke themselves in two
To be told nothing they could do
Would make them welcome
Tell me how they never felt at home
How they always felt alone
In a land so full of people
Tell me of the determination
The refusal to settle
The unapologetic existence
Of those considered outcast
Tell me of broken stereotypes
Of rising above the odds
Of the oneness found among those
Who have become familiar with
The suffocation of assumptions
Tell me of the differences that make us beautiful
Tell me of fighters
Of groundbreakers
Tell me of the resilience that has broken boundaries
Tell me of boundaries yet to be broken
Tell me how we are not yet “America the Great”
But some day we just might be
Tell me the good
The bad
The ugly
Tell me the story of America