Stand Up
Small, shy and scared of the world
You were teased, humiliated, embarrassed
No one stood up for you, they just laughed along
With a bruised tear stained face you go home, crying yourself to sleep.
‘Why can’t I be normal?’ you cry,
The next day you ask yourself ‘is worth the pain?’
Days past and you keep asking yourself why you put up with the bullies
You hear of a girl who hung herself the next town over
Her bullies got away with it
No one stood up for her
You wonder if that will be you if it continues
‘Who will miss me?’ you ask at night
They pushed you against the lockers,
You cry in front of them praying they’d go away
They laugh even more at your tears
As they are about to hit you someone blocks them from your view
Red hair, the fiery tempered girl from Biology
She makes them go away, and then she turns to help you up
Her smile makes your day
You just smile because she is real
You’ve never had someone stand up for you
It was a first
Eventually the bullies back off, no longer threatening you
The redhead is now a friend and not only in biology
A year passes, it has gotten better,
You have friends, you feel wanted
Those bullies pick on someone else now
Someone just like you used to be
Small, scared and shy
You make the choice and stand up for him
Like the redhead did for you
You get a black eye but you don’t regret it
The boy thanks you, he looks up to you
He thanks you for standing up when he couldn’t
You never realized what it meant to him to have someone there
He had no friends or family of his own,
You didn’t know that, but you stood up for him anyway
It made all the difference
Several years later your redheaded hero is your wife
And that little boy is your best friend,
Your kids play around the hospital room as you face another bully
You have medicine to help you fight
This time the bully took away your hair and your strength
You made it this far, standing up for others when no one would
It is time you stood up for yourself
You stand and take the pain, but you fight back
You stood up for yourself and you won the battle.
There will always be bullies
There will always be someone being teased
Be the change this world needs to end bullying
It is your turn to make a change in someone’s life
Stand up.