Stand Up!
Why do you teach History in English? You've got it all wrong. Why teach about English in History? Why don't you just switch jobs! I'm tired of getting confused. I'm tired of worrying about my grades. You said you'd grade my work a week ago. Where is it now? I don't care about your stupid Senior Project. No one really cares. We only do it to graduate. Why don't you understand? Maybe this time you'll hear me. When I take a stand. Shut your mouth for once and let me teach the class. We don't need to know about Queen Elizabeth or y=2x(73*5). We need to learn what's right. Teen Pregnancy classes. Let's make sure it don't happen. Bullying classes. Show kids not to be afraid to stand up. These schools got it all wrong. Teach us things we need to know. Not things we will never learn in real life. I love learning, but you need to give a little. I will stand up for what's right. It's our time to speak up. This is the generation that matters. What will we become if we don't stand up?