S**t I Can’t Say To My Teacher
I love my school, I love my class
But you my teacher can kiss my ass
Like when you think that it’s OK
To teach me nothing for the day
And give me homework every night
When I don’t know which answer’s right
And then tutor me after school
And still leave me a clueless fool
See that’s the problem; you don’t teach
You just like to scorn and preach
In years what progress have we made?
We judge our children with a grade
Simply because of scores on a test
Our children are labeled “the worst” or “the best”
What gives you the right to tell me what I am
Are character traits academically dammed
If Hitler had an “A” and I had a “C”
Would your system still treat us both equally?
Of course not, you’d favor the one with an “A”
That’s why your system is flawed to this day
If you really cared then you’d really teach
You’d actually practice what you preach
You’d teach us in class and let us rest at night
You’d actually show me which answers are right
Grade students by progress and not by a test
Understand that no child is “the best”
Teach practically and apply it as well
Don’t treat your students like products to sell
Judge not by our heads but by what’s in our hearts
By our God-given wisdom and not by “who’s smart”
Life isn’t a game; we’re not pawns to be played
We’re all individuals and by God we were made
- Ian White