A Spoiled Child Makes a Difference


Community Frameworks
United States

Growing up a spoiled child, unknowingly.

Struggling with degree in hand to find herself. 

Struggling with second degree in hand to find her career.

Stumbling upon the life of a poverty-stricken self, unknowingly.

AmeriCorps put her in poverty. 

AmeriCorps helped her understand what she had never known.

Homelessness, poverty, hunger and strife; 

She had known these things exsisted. 

AmeriCorps made her know; made her understand. 

She now struggles to succeed, not for herself, but for those who have actually struggled. 

She now knows not of her own struggle. 

She now knows only of those in need. 

She has found her way. 


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741