Special Edition
They consist of the scars on my body,
The craters in my soul,
The rudimentary words that fall out of my mouth like;
Shit, it must be fly to be fine
To be the desire in a mans eye
To walk with sway and speak with "swag",
To be top model skinny and top model pretty.
But all those plastic perfections and transparent obsessions
of me.
Yes, me
Short, little,
5 foot, 3
For I am, not perfection and
I am not the root of anyones obsession
but I am
With craters and scars that are between my thighs
Yes, even my cellulite
Those, "flaws"
MY GOD, they are perfection,
My emotional heart that takes me through film after film with unfailing tears.
My morning hair and my morning breath,
My silly faces and small hands,
My unwillingness to give up even when I have already lost-
For I am, not perfection and
I am not the root of anyones obsession
but I am
yes, with mistakes and imperfections
I fall short of the definition
YET I rise to the cause like the break of dawn
as the sun banishes the night
and puts all these misleading oppositions into submission
And lets the world know this:
I Am the perfect version of myself today and will strive to be better tomorrow
I Am the greatest exhibition and proof of the life I lived.
I Am the special and only edition of a unique package called, ME
Yes, no comparison can be made-
Not because I am conceited or vein but because I am better than I was yesterday
For I am, not perfection and
I am not the root of anyones obsession
but I am
because I am,