Society's Ignorance
Thousands of stories fill the pages of the newpaper.
Thousands of stories stream through the news.
But not one is about the girl with demons in her head
The one who was called dozens of names
And started to believe them
The one who killed herself because she couldn't take it;
Not one is about the girl in the dress
The one who was walking home past a group of inappropriate guys
The one who feared for her life that she might get raped
But was punished when she told her story
Because everyone thought her dress was too provocative;
Not one is about the guy who was hit
The one who was terrfied to go home
And face an abusive family he couldn't run from;
Not one is about the guy with depression
The one who told everyone he was okay but wasn't
And would cut himself everyday because he couldn't escape it;
Not one is about the girl who thought she was fat
The one who would starve herself
And throw up her meals
Until one day, there was nothing left;
Thousands of stories, about murderers and robberies and celebrities and wars.
Thousands of stories, but not one about the victims.
Thousands of stories, but not one that would show it's society's fault.
Thousands of stories, but not one that mattered.