Societal Puppets
Dear Future Joamir,
To be or not to be that is the question. To live the first quarter of my life in school to be noticed by those who went through the same as I, to have to fight to be seen, spending years of my life to secure a future instead of living happy with the moment now. To live with the possibility of not getting what was initially wanted. Constant battle where everyone wants to secure a position in society, and then there’s me indecisive, and say if you were to be chosen, do you live the rest of your life fighting for money? this constant cycle of life seems unappealing, but it’s what everyone knows, without it where will I end up? live my whole life working to secure yet another future, work long hours just to be able to live my last years happy, but will I feel fulfilled, will I regret? could this whole process be a waste? but it’s said “college is going to be your best years” “you’ll have fun” all trying to mask the hardship, but it's natural for people to see the good in the bad. The well known dark circles branded into the people demonstrating their days spent sleepless, days spent to earn more days free towards their future. This process is overwhelming, feeling encased, imprisoned by the limits set. These ideas are tearing me apart. Maybe life's a stage and i’ll just play my part.