to the sleep deprived
i feel you
you there scarfing down two muffins at 3 am
i've been you
bloodshot zombie in the white screen light
i understand you
and the tired words your lips can't form any more
eyez bean der twoo
i know you
lying here waiting for the night to pass
watching the light move across the ceiling
so slow so so slow
i am you
kid with a fake face
because you're too tired to fall apart
and all i can tell you
you insomniacs of the world
you daydreamers and nightpacers
i know what its like
when its exactly 147 steps down the hall one way
when you hop over the red stripes
then the purple
then the green
when you've counted 89 stars and a stupid cloud passes over
when you listen to the snores of everyone else sleeping peacefully
and wish you could be that innocent
that naive
that asleep.
we've all been there.
so here's to you
the guardian angels of the clock
watching every tick
thanks to you
we have zzzquil and netflix
thanks to you we have dark shadow remover and overachievers
thanks to you we know the extent of homeostasis
and human boredom.
so thanks
for making the phrase
a long night
and a long week
your new catchphrase.