Sleep Deprivation
A pretense or simulation,
Of my future life to come,
Left within these worksheets,
And textbooks, of some,
Is life beyond this testing?
From where do these thoughts come?
As if a day of school weren't enough,
A night of reflection takes place,
Straight from the textbook,
And at my own pace,
But it matters not, what pace I choose,
I am left sleepless in any case.
In the end, my mind is restless,
As I whisper thoughts aloud,
Any who view from outside,
Question my sanity at the sound,
For society, I am not fit,
As my eyes wander around.
Sleeping comes, and sleeping goes,
But dreams remain forever,
Locked away by the mind,
To drift away to nether,
For a dream, shall you remember,
Won't be recalled forever,
I awake as my dream bleeds to reality,
And I must continue, mindlessly,
Unto the day before me. - Z.H. (10th grade)