She Lived.

Wed, 04/05/2017 - 19:08 -- 17amm02

When I was seventeen, I had a friend

With sparkling eyes and a contagious smile

She had a fire for life and goals to achieve

Two men ripped away her aspirations

One in a bedroom she thought was safe

Another in the woods, laying her in the dirt.

Between the flashbacks and the comments

The side glances and the whispers

Her fire was extinguished

And she tried to keep it that way

A speeding car and a cement wall

Seemed like the perfect end

Until the helicopter pulled her out of the shell

And she woke up in a hospital bed

She woke up.

Each day she grew stronger

With her body and her spirit

They told her it was a miracle

That she would be able to walk again

That she lived

She lived.

She lived to see January 20, 2017

Where the man from the bedroom

The man from the woods, with the dirt

Became president.

This poem is about: 
My country


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