She is small, but puts the mighty in God Almighty.
Her eyes are worldly and her lips are wise,
Speaking words of wisdom upon just meeting,
Her ears can hear the voiceless' cries.
Because while charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting,
A woman that fears the Lord is to be praised.
She's earned everything she has, it's the way she was raised.
And trust me, her value is far above the pearls around her neck.
She dons a cloak of strength and dignity, and boots for harsh conditions.
Because she lives for Him, and He loves her, there's no charge for tuition.
You see, the able armor of God resides within,
Even through tough times it does not wear thin.
His love is the key to a spiritual nutrition.
His love is the key to start your ignition.
He takes the phrase "I am Second" to a whole new level
Because whether or not you put Him first He always puts you first.
St. Paul said "For we hold that man is justified by faith alone."
Justified by faith alone.
Faith is her key to the kingdom, her bread when she's worn.
Jesus Christ, her savior, from the moment he was born
So from the tip of her head down to her pinky toes,
She walks by faith and not sight, because only God knows.
He, who numbers the stars, one by one
Loves each one of us, as if we are the only one.