When I was younger I thought adults were made of armor.
Skin so tough no one could harm them.
They knew everything, they couldn’t be stopped.
My eyes beamed at the sight.
I couldn’t wait to be taller, stronger, and smarter.
Then I grew up and realized how delicate their armor was.
When I had to be the backbone for my father
Tears dripping down his cheek for the first time
When he slapped me across the face.
Please, no, I don’t want to hurt you like my father.
He wept, and I felt his glass armor beginning to break
Falling to the floor.
How silly I was to think adults were made of something stronger.
We are HUMAN.
We are all imperfect doing the best we can
In a world where you turn on the TV and see a convicted man.
I wanted to be someone big, change all these flaws,
Yet here I am, I guess I can’t fix them all.
I have made mistakes,
Took one too many drinks.
Walked home alone, even though I know I shouldn’t be on my own.
Classic case.
These are high stakes.
I thought the world was a perfect place,
But I can’t not answer my phone
Making my parents think I am dead, and alone.
Still the kids I babysit look up at my armor
And they can’t wait to one day be taller, smarter, stronger.
I wouldn’t say the world is a disaster
But kids you must know this armor has been
The world is beautiful,
But it has many flaws
Too many to say them all.
Yet, I am who I am because I am strong.
My muscles are not big
And I am not tall.
I would say I am smarter,
But not smarter than them all.
Sometimes I go left when I should go right,
Sometimes I trust others who bite.
My armor has been wounded,
But I am who I am because I am strong.
I love those who are kind, without any tricks.
I laugh more than others do.
I smile at a stranger passing by,
Sometimes I even say hi.
Because even in a world where armor is thick
We all know that something has penetrated it.
We are all HUMAN
And I am who I am because of these things.
Yet, I don’t let these negative memories define me.
I just know I’m not alone.
In a world that is now taking place over the phone
I try to put it down, just so I can see
Maybe what we all need
Is someone to help glue back together
Our shattered glass armor
That none of us can see.