Shadows of Utopia
In the dark of the night
I face my window with open eyes
I hesitate to bring back happy thoughts
Despite being trapped where the fear lies
My memories bring neither peace nor comfort
While being gripped by pain and loss
Family and friends, just ghosts
About which I dream and then toss
Shrouded in loneliness, I plead
That time will not erase every love I had
Every face, every name, every moment I knew
Just shadows of a utopia that was once a fad
A cold wind blows through the cracks in my window
And with it blows a desperate greed
A strong longing to turn on the light
As if it will lighten the weight of all that I need
And in these volatile times, I lay back down
And wish for forever sleep
To put an end to these nightmares
With which open eyes weep