I don’t know where I’m going, but how I get there’s up to me
I give myself extra time for things I need to complete
I still search for my four-leaf clover in a field of threes
Looking carefully for the fourth which doesn’t belong
But on these journeys and the more that are to come
I shall never get lost; because I won’t care where I am
Because I know I’ll get where I need to be eventually
I’ll use my eight crucial senses along the way
Touching the textures of diverse situations
Smelling the aroma of beauty and the horrors attached to life
Hearing the melodies of love and loss and accepting them
Tasting the sweet flavor of karma and consequence
Opening my eyes to the mistakes of the past for a better present
Without allowing my common sense to go to waste
But it has to use my intuition as foundation
With its extension being my ungrounded empathy
Which is why it will also need the book sense through it all
No sense is without help from another; they’re a community
My future’s compass; my village for my upbringing
You see? This is not madness; it is creation; it is life…
…tis MY life… so lucky me