You start out thinking this year will be the one,
I will actually make an effort, not leave and be done.
Two weeks in and your thoughts have changed,
You show up to school, your hair very disarranged.
Day by day you force yourself to wake to the alarm,
You go to school looking like something you find on a farm.
You see your peers looking stylish and cool,
You look in the mirror and think, “Is that drool?”
You’re always tired no matter the amount of sleep,
The bags under your eyes make you want to weep.
You tell yourself just 37 more weeks,
You’ll graduate go to college, get the education she seeks.
The classes drag on for what seems like an eternity,
All of this homework sure is a pain in the booty.
Enjoy it while you’re here is what “they” all say,
You’ll be old and wanting to come back here some day.
If these are supposed to be the days of our lives, why does it seem so hard?
I’m exhausted, my body aches and my brain is in shards.
I’ll go on making the best of this place,
Just hoping graduation comes at a much faster pace.