Senior Year
You're not allowed to be a kid anymore; no more fooling around, be serious;
every move you make from here on out will affect the rest of your life;
if you don't get a perfect score on every test, you're going to end up working at a fast
food restaurant for the rest of your life; all of your free time has to be devoted to
studying; taking care of your sister should be your first priority; no, getting a job
should be your first priority; just kidding, taking care of your sister, getting a job
and applying to college should be your first priorities; fill your life with extra
curricular activities and community service, it looks good on college applications;
colleges are watching every move you make; at the age of seventeen, you have to
know exactly what profession you're going to pursue for the rest of your life;
you should do something you love, but you have to do something that pays well;
you have to be a doctor or a lawyer; you aren't allowed to go to the mall or the movies
with friends anymore; the only way you get to leave the house is if you're going on
a college visit or an informational meeting about college; always challenge yourself
and when it gets too hard, don't be a wimp: woman up; all of this high school drama
won't matter once you graduate, so stop caring; your friends were going to leave
you after high school eventually, so stop crying and move on; no one cares about
your problems, everyone has problems, you're nothing special; everyone has to deal
with bitchy girls in high school, get over it; why haven't you gotten a job yet?; if you don't get your license
on the first try, you clearly don't know how to drive; parallel parking, parallel parking,
parallel parking; get a job so you can buy a car; buy a car so you can get a job;
if your room isn't spotless, you're grounded for a year; if your chores aren't done,
then you can kiss your phone goodbye; why are you spending so much time on your
phone anyways?; you should be spending your time studying, not on your phone;
what do you mean you didn't get high honors this quarter?; remember, colleges
are watching; finish seven essays, one hundred pages of reading, and five math
packets by tomorrow; stop complaining, at least you have an education; I'm not
complaining, I'm overwhelmed; you seriously still don't have a job?; don't do anything
embarrassing; don't say anything stupid; don't say anything weird; actually, you
probably should just keep your mouth shut anyways; always try your hardest in class;
but not too hard, or else the other kids will make fun of you; but do your best because
colleges are watching; most importantly, aways remember to be yourself and have fun.