Self Destructive Magnificence
You look people in their eyes and can easily see into the depths of their soul, but never have you been able to shake hands with Your own
You breakdown your self worth and shove the pieces within the crevasses of the earth
Until not even your minds eye can calculate Your worths birth
My Darling, where will the madness end?
Why cant You see what You represent?
All the greatness You harbor within
Your radiance is indeed magnificent, but it will vanish in due time if u fail to appreciate its presence
Do not You remember the time when you thought Yourself to be princess ordained by God to be Queen?
Or when You heard Your name called by many because You were meant to be seen?
My darling, never forget that you are worth it.
You have purpose
You are not worthless
You are purpose
Do not destroy yourself with imaginary ignorance
for I know you know who you truly are
Never shy away from the glory that is You
Always stay true and be proud my Darling, to be magnificent You