Seeking Light
Seeking Light
Where is it that we find this idea of love,
Is it some notion we have created?
Has some great love been sedated,
And replaced with less than?
For what is love except giving what is received,
sharing what has been shared to us before?
Love, as we know it, is too poor;
If we know it at all.
Most often we seek love to find some sort of worth,
And if that is so, it is us we love.
Is love of self, or love of love,
A giving love at all?
Who would seek what is made known by the sun’s bright beams,
But never wish to know the sun itself?
Let us receive Heaven’s great wealth,
And we will know great Love.
Let us seek not only light, but God who made it.
Not only love, but the Son who shines it.
Love illuminates and brings warmth,
But light is never without a source.