Seconds Tick Away
Thoughts zing here and there
But I don't know exactly where
I ponder life and all that matters
What if everything shatters
I see life change all around
You can see it in the trees and on the ground
Time goes by
So don't be shy
You can't ever get it back
I know that for a fact
But why do people waste this precious time
Why do we waste our precious dime
We are ignorant to the change around us
Even the change in profound trust
Technology envelops and blinds everyone I see
Everyone is missing the beauty in the world that is evident to me
It makes me sad
As well as mad
I don't fathom how people don't enjoy life the way I do
Maybe what I think isn't entirely true
I desire for everyone to marvel the way I do
To see the wonders our God can do
People are scared
They feel impaired
You just need to think outside the box
Take some time and detox
Escape from society
And all of the things that bind us down
Take some time to enjoy the car ride around town
Take in the scenes
And see what it means
I am afraid to say
It won't always be this way
So enjoy it while you have the chance
Go out and have a dance
Listen to me
Set yourself free
From all the things the world wants us to be
My advice to you
Is to stay true
And soak up the beautiful world surrounding you