As a woman I am told to be quiet
Keep it down
They try to keep me down
Below you, looking up
On my knees, I exist only in ways that service you
They want me to hear, not to speak
Your ignorance sneaks into my ears like smoke
Your laugh ignites a flame in my chest and it rises to my throat and I will not be silenced
Slash the tape over my mouth and say everything you are too weak to hear
I will scream for the people of color who are shot down in the streets every day
Like dogs
Your right to both bark and bite has been revoked by the Ferguson Police Force until further notice
I will scream at the politician defending the "sanctity" of marriage
Last time I checked marriage was about love
Something I guess you aren't too familiar with
I will scream for the women who are told to shut up
To laugh
To laugh at the rape joke
To laugh at the prospect of being violated in the most horrific way possible
I will scream for the men who are murdered just because they were born with a vagina
I guess I thought the only pre-requisite for being a “real” man was an absence of empathy
I will scream for the poor, working 3 jobs and not having the money to feed their kids
Cigar burns from a man named capitalism make them too ugly for the 1% to look at
You will not silence my screams until America is the utopia you claim it already is
I am flawless
I am flawless because I will never stop fighting against the flaws of this nation
I am flawless because when you slap my face for speaking up I will stare into yours and speak louder
I am flawless because I will never be afraid to say that you are not