I sat in a dark cold room
Surrounded by my friends.
My feet shivered on the cold stone floor,
And fear filled the air.
I wanted to know why
I felt so alone,
But I couldn’t seem to find
The reason for it all.
I groped around in the darkness
And felt different things,
But I couldn’t make them out.
I just wanted to scream!
Despair filled my soul
As I crawled forward.
Suddenly, my friends cried out
To return to where they huddled.
They said that I was headed
For a chasm without end,
But I was just too desperate
I needed to find rest.
I moved forward a little more.
There had to be a place
Where light shone brightly,
Where I could see my way.
I reached out my hand
To crawl one step further,
But suddenly, a door opened
Where I knew not one existed.
Light burst from the doorway
And shed upon my path.
My hand was reaching over
The vast chasm of death.
Someone stepped into the room
And grabbed my outstretched hand.
He pulled me to my feet, and I saw
The light radiated from Him.
Several of my friends jumped forth.
They grabbed and pulled at me.
They wanted me to stay with them
In this dark place for eternity.
I cried out in fear,
Terrified that their strong pulls
Would rip me from His grip
And the door would close for good,
But I heard His voice above theirs
It was powerful and kind.
He promised me He would not let go.
He would bring me into light,
And then, I looked down.
He still gripped me tightly,
And in that brief moment,
He pulled me into glory.
He shut the door to darkness.
He made a way before me.
He stripped away my chains,
And showed me His great glory!