'The Right Way' ... A Poem written by Big Virge 14/8/2016


United Kingdom

I DON’T INDULGE In Black Ways Or INDULGE In... White Ways...
I Just TRY TO Maintain Doing Things The RIGHT Way... !!!
But Let Me Make PLAIN What It Is That I’m Saying... !!!
What's RIGHT FOR ME Is RIGHT FOR... ME... !!!!!
What’s RIGHT FOR YOU Is RIGHT FOR.... YOU.... !!!!!!
But DON’T BE Fooled... !!!
There Are SOME THINGS That We ALL SHOULD DO... !!!
LIKE Eat GOOD FOOD.... NATURALLY Produced... !!!
Eat PLENTY of FRUIT And Learn To COOK... !!!
Cos’ It’s Really NOT WISE To Eat Out ALL The Time... !!!

ENJOY Your Life And Use Your Mind... !!!
So That You Can SURVIVE In The TOUGHEST of Times... !!!!!
Because WITHOUT Preparation You May Find Yourself Stationed...
In A Place Where PAIN Drives You... INSANE... !!!!!!
Or... TAKES Your Health With BOMBER Type Stealth... !!!!!
HELP Others When You CAN But.... BE WISE MAN.... !!!!!!
Everybody CAN’T BE Helped... !!!
The RIGHT WAY Sometimes Is To Maintain SELF... !!!!!
Cos’ Every Brotha' Ain’t A Brother... !!!
And Some Mothers CANNOT Muster What It Takes To TRULY LOVE Ya... !!!
The RIGHT WAY These Days Is FAR FROM............. Straight... !?!
Nowadays BEING GAY Would Seem To Have DISPLACED...
The IDEA of Man And Woman Producing OTHER Humans.... ?!?
Now THAT AIN’T Right To ME But As I Said At THE BEGINNING...
Some Peoples’ TENDENCIES Are Seen By Some As SINNING... !!!
But... Who Are We To JUDGE How People Choose To LOVE... ?!?
Or Choose To Make A Living If Their Living Involves KILLING... !?!
Which Leads Me RIGHT TO Guns And Police... IGNORANCE... !!!!!!!
Cos’ How They MOVE And Things THEY DO...
AREN’T RIGHT To Me... Are They RIGHT To YOU... ???
Do Black Lives Matter... NOT TO Their Crews... !!!!!!
When Bullets SHATTER What Do They PROVE..... ?!?
What’s Right To THEM Leaves People... DEAD... !?!
Now THAT’s NOT COOL.... !!!!!!!!
The RIGHT WAY I Say Is... LESS GUNPLAY... !!!!!
And LESS Displays That INDICATE....
A Propensity To AIM On The Basis of RACE... !!!
WHO Tells Them To Think THAT WAY.... ?!?
And Then LAY BLAME At The Sides of Graves...
So That THEY Can Save Face MAN They SHOULD BE ASHAMED... !!!!!!
Cos’ The RIGHT WAY To Me Has A Conscience That’s FREE... !!!!!
NOT ONE That Fuels GRIEF Like These... GUN TOTING Police... !!!!!
It Seems That Society Like Our Heads of State...
Have CORRUPTED Views of What’s RIGHT TO DO... !?!
It’s CLEAR That They BELIEVE That The Use of Armies...
Are The Right Ways To Go To MAINTAIN CONTROL... !!!!!!!
But ....... Is That RIGHT ....... ???
Well WITHIN These Rhymes Are Poetic Lines That RETIRE Gunfire... !!!!!
And Speak On Current Vibes How We FEED And Decide...
What Is WRONG And What Is RIGHT... ?
And How We Move Along To Guide Us Through Our Lives........
These Days It’s HARD TO KNOW The RIGHT WAY To Now GO... ?!!!?
However There Are THINGS That STILL FUEL How I Think And How I Choose To LIVE...
What’s RIGHT To ME Is LOVE And Living In ..... FREEDOM ..... !!!
Passing On........... What You Have LEARNED...
So That Our Youth DON’T CRASH And BURN... !!!!!
And FNALLY... To Live In PEACE And HARMONY... !!!
But HONESTLY What’s Right In TRUTH Is For YOU To Decide... !!!!!!!!!
NOT Words I Write Or Those Now USED From Opinions Skewed...
Be An... INDIVIDUAL And Make YOUR OWN Moves... !!!
But DON'T You Start To Roll Like Those Now In Control... !!!!!
Take Time To RECOGNISE...
That OTHER Peoples’ Lives Are RIGHT THERE By Your Side... !!!!!
To DIVIDE Is... UNWISE In UNSETTLED Times... !!!!!
CUT OUT Divisive Vibes And TRY TO... UNIFY... !!!l
Regardless of YOUR VIEWS Cos’ Division DOES NOT Fuel...
A LOVING Human Race What More Can I Now Say... ?
Well THESE WORDS From My Brain.... !!!!!
Be CAREFUL What You CLAIM As Being.....

.......... “ The RIGHT Way “ ...........

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