Riding in the Rain
Someone once said
that we shouldn't wait
for the storm to pass,
but learn to
dance in the rain.
Well, I definitely can't dance,
my rhythm is
weak and my limbs-
clumsy. But I know I
can bike ride.
God gave me an
inate ability to pedal and
pick up speed.
My bike carries me
through beautiful, sunny days and
through fun times,
through the rough days,
through the difficult, strong winds
and through storms.
Oftentimes we learn to
rely only on ourselves,
to be self-relient; though that's
impossible. Instead, I
prefer to rely on
Someone stronger than I am-
my bike, or;
more often- my Savior-
to carry me safely home.
Riding in rain
is thrilling, you feel
cold and wet, but impervious
to all sensations
but joyous, ecstatic exhilaration.
Although, you feel as if
you could ride
forever, one small piece
of your brain understands that
you must return
home, the final destination.
You must be dry again.
However, I never
forget the wondrous feeling
of riding in the rain.