Resting Place
She woke up every day
Struggling to get on her feet,
She heard her mother say “Teeth! Teeth! Teeth!”
To coax out even a grin that was so rare
one cant help but think that the chances were better
to see a cow jump over the moon
When we found out that she was depressed we got on our knees
Begging her to hold on with us
Until we could find a solution to her sadness
We saw she was unhappy but could not figure out how to heal
Those scars on her
Wrists, hips, stomach, and other parts of her skin
But what we could not see were the deep wounds within
That broke down her spirit
And drained her soul.
She went to bed every day
Waiting to die
Even then she would say “boy, who am I
To cry to myself about things that are worthless
Like my socks on the shelf
Being so out of order they can’t find their way
onto my feet
Or the pile of laundry on my floor
That has lain there for weeks
because I don’t have the energy
To deal with these meaningless things
But who am I to determine their worth
When I cannot determine my own?”
She climbed into bed and turned out the light
Wrapping her grandmothers blanket around her so tight
That her pain went away for
Just a one, single, second
The stars shone brightly that night
Luring her into a deep sleep
The moon wrapped its arms around her
And brought her to his keep
Where the cows jumped over the moon
And she flew into it’s cocoon
Taking comfort in her nest
she made the final decision to stay
and leave behind all the rest
We found her the next day
With a smile on her face
And our final goodbyes were said
So that she could finally, peacefully
Rest in her bed.