Red Roses Wilt : A Twist on Beauty & The Beast (Fairy Tale Twist)
The beauty holds the rose in beauty.
Lush petals bloom and glimmer in her fleshly palms, and the dew drips, drips, drips
to the stone floor
Thinking of thy love, thy kindness, and thy anger. "A beast and a monster", He thinks.
The crimson petals shine as the rage bubbles and roars, cooling only to a
blurry image in response to tears.
She holds his face in pity.
Wiping away every part of him that needs to be cleansed. Tidied and put away.
He grips the rose and watches her wet face crumple
The petals fall.
One red to the ground, one red to the ground, another red to the ground—
She falls and he doesn't think to catch her.
"A beast and a monster." He thinks.